Dear Mitchell, I remember your name from my readings since some time ago! It's an honor that you've contacted me! In re: chemistry -- I don't hope for anything that revolutionary (as far as reworking all of that goes)! I hope for more accurate descriptions of molecules beyond the Hydrogen atom (ha--maybe!) I appreciate your long letter! I am not Michael Nielsen's wife, although it delights me to be mistaken as such, I am just a very ambitious graduate student from Kansas who has been in dialogue with physicists around the country for some time (since I was an ambitious high schooler). I will take some time to read your comments and think deeply about each one -- I just want you to be sure that I do not think I am going to fix all of chemistry -- maybe model a few things more accurately beyond hydrogen if that has not been done yet (perhaps I am working off of outdated research; it was my understanding Schrodinger's modes of the atom only worked ...