In the 25th Century, writings were unclouded belonging to the "blogging" account of one Jennifer of Kansas. The young woman's social networking profile seemed to place her at the epicenter of much activity in Philosophy of Information Science, but her location at the heart of Kansas was puzzling. There were unsuccessful conjectures about links to the center point of Google Earth, no clear relation found to Michael Nielsen, although a tenuous link to the school of Penrose and Hawking is suggested via enigmatic correspondence with a magister "Scholar A" joining the London and Kansan schools of physics. It is to be noted, however, that Professor Lucida Wymen suggests that Scholar A never actually existed and was a figment of Jennifer's imagination, while Sir John Mann of the Royal Society maintains vigorously that Jennifer was a fake media profile created by Scholar A for the purposes of enhancing debate. Further connections to both wings of the Magisterium, to various intelligencia of the Basin of Silica, letters to a purported aspiring traveler in the kingdom of Gold Rush, and intercepted and well-logged messages to a mysterious scribe of algorithms, λευκός, trouble scholars attempting to locate lady Jennifer's specific sphere of influence in 21st century information politica.
Thus, it is left that Jennifer's exact role in "the time of the Great Flickering" is still being uncovered, and much opportunity for original scholarship in this area still exists today.
For the perplexed: Why "Quanta Qualia" ?
The philosophical untangling and entangling of the twins "Quanta" (quantity) and "Qualia" (quality) beckons and calls like a siren at the heart of any discourse between mathematical scientists and philosophers of information and meaning. Any discussion on awareness or consciousness at a profound scientific level eventually covers both of them. "Quanta Qualia" is also the name of a hymn written by Peter Abelard, roughly translated to: "How great thou art". Recently (as of 2526) a profile on "Bird Sounds" was discovered that may be roughly linked to our Jennifer, going by the name
About Tao Te Jen:
"The Confucian ethical framework comprises the five basic notions: tao, te, jen, li, and yi...While JEN has a long history of conceptual centers the ethical interest on LOVE and CARE
for one's fellows, that is, an affectionate concern for the well-being
of others...thus Jen is felicitously rendered as 'human heartedness' or
'humanity'" [caps not mine] - Encyclopedia of Ethics, Becker & Becker
"Tao Te Jen" would translate roughly to "Virtue Way Love", or "Way of the Power of Love" (or maybe Love of the Power of the Way.... or Love of the Way of Power... or.... er..... we'll quit while we're ahead.)
MBTI: Somewhere between INFJ and ENTP.
Hogwarts House: "Not Gryffindor!" (SyltherPuff.)
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